Minimal Portfolio
Want to display a custom header template only on the homepage or on the blog archive page or on the entire website? You can easly do with our built in-house plugin for Header & Footer using elementor custom widgets.
Elementor is the best FREE WordPress Website Builder, with over 5 million active installs. Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface. Elementor Page Builder comes with an exclusive toolset, that lets you create truly a responsive website in a whole new and visual way.
Responsive. Fluid. Retina Ready.
Your site will always look sharp and utilise 100% of screen estate on every device. Ozark has 3 individually customizable display modes: for desktops/laptops, tablets and phones.
Theme Options/Customizer
The Ozark WordPress theme includes tons of easy to use options to customize the design of your site. Most of your theme options can be found in the live WordPress theme customizer. Ozark uses only native WordPress functions, so you should be familiar with the way the Customizer looks and works.